The Bible Code Sundays - Stranger In My Land

I am stranger in the land I love
I cannot call this land my own
Here through the years where my people worked
here in the spot that they called home
Noone to say "you have your mother's eyes"
Noone can tell me what I seek
And my voice is the voice of a stranger now
My tongue betrays me when I speak
The land is sad and empty now
The loving hands have flown
and we must wander far away
make other lands our own
Although people smile as I walk down the street
And offer me a welcome hand
They only smile at a stranger now
For I am a stranger in my land
What would I give to hear my Granda's voice
Speak in his accent sweet and clear
The sound of Ulster tripping from his lips
Would just be magic to my ear
I know that Granny used to call her sons 'sun, moon and stars'
And 'blue-eyed Irish boy'
How sad I'll never hear her call my name
No tender word to bring me joy
The hearth is cold, no turf-fire gleams round which to hear a song
As misty memory fades in tears I'm told I don't belong
Although people smile as I walk down the street
And offer me a welcome hand
They only smile at a stranger now
For I am a stranger in my land