The Bible Code Sundays - Boys of Queens

The morning's here, the whiskey's gone there's nothing left to say
As I grab my coat, fall off the stool and go to walk away
Just one final look around this bar lie a million broken dreams
But I ask this time will I ever get to come back home to Queens
My Daddy worked the engines, my brothers just the same
But just one returned that September morn when the sky went up in flames
Twas not for me another path I'd chosen right or wrong
For the infantry is part of me sing up those Yankee songs!
From Belle Harbour down to Woodside we walked in days long gone,
Through Breezy Point and Rockaway we drank and sang our songs,
T'was there I met an Irish Rose, the fairest New York's seen,
And eyes as blue as the Harbour you were the pride of New York, Queens
Then the skies went black I soon was back awoken from that dream
To blood on sand in a far off land and a mother's deathly screams
Oh Molly I'm a broken man tell Sean and Courtney please
I wish I could touch your face and be back home in Queens
In a wooden case lies another son I can see all in this room
And a widow now with two lost boys and a girl without her groom
Put me up in a picture frame next to Daddy, Frank and Steve
And raise a glass in the Ladder Bar to the boys of New York Queens
Young Danny boy did but try to avenge these awful things
And in his letter we can see he died for his loved ones and his friends
A pipers air will warm their graves this September for the green,
And his ghost will pass into your arms again and be back home
Be back home in Queens